Tag: love



In order to better understand your spiritual journey, it is imperative to see it in context of your overall health and well being.…

One Heart of Pure Light, Pure Love and Pure Joy

One Heart Only – Where The Dreamer Resides! As promised, we begin our journey with the Dreamer into HeartSpace. Where the seemingly infinite questions of our minds find answers in the silent knowing of our…

The Secret Attraction In The Heart

The Dreamer, Mind and Creation Those of you who know me are aware that I take my guidance in life from the central Source of my being, the One Source that I call “The Dreamer”.…

The Law of Attraction And Personality Types

The Law of Attraction  is no secret. It has been cut, diced and spliced into infinite philosophies and keys. One area that it has not really addressed is that our personality. It is time to look at that which…