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In order to better understand your spiritual journey, it is imperative to see it in context of your overall health and well being. Health, and the maintenance of it is perhaps the most vital issue confronting each of us in our life. It always has been, and no doubt always will be. It goes without saying, wealth without health is a path that leads nowhere that anyone would truly want to go. Wealth, abundance, love, light, joy, happiness are all co-factors of health. Each of these is both a contributor and an end result of health.

The understanding of health, how to maintain it, rectify imbalances in the manner of disease states and other maladies is a multi-trillion dollar industry worldwide. It covers the spectrum of all information and teachings, modalities and treatments from mainstream, fully “legally” and somewhat “socially sanctioned” sanctioned pharmaceutical and surgical approaches, through to that which is regarded as “out there’ alternatives and complimentary approaches of energy medicine, herbal treatments, homeopathy and all manner of spiritual intervention. Despite there being such a huge range of options to choose from, and despite the fact that there is somewhat of an ever present war between big Pharma and the alternatives, one key question still needs to be answered. “Are you enjoying day by day vibrant good health and well- being?” If you took a current snapshot of your current health and well being ow would you rate any number of factors such as : Sleep quality; digestion and assimilation health; Vision and hearing; musculature and cardio-vascular function; diet and nutrition; and so forth. That is just the physical side of things. Remember there are the contributing factors of emotions and mental attitudes that also play their part along with environmental and of course spiritual elements.

I ask this of you because over many years I have met and worked with men, women and children who have each had to confront a broad range of imbalances in their overall well-being. From fatigue, exhaustion, pre-mature aging, spinal issues, digestive issues, right through to diseases of our age – diabetes; lupus; aids, cancer, arthritis, anxiety and sleep disorders, bulimia and so forth. take any of these labels and drill down deep you will find underlying causes far greater than the symptoms which manifest in your everyday life. And, it takes time for these symptoms to manifest, so the pathway is laid long before the manifestation reveals itself. So, on a scale of 1-10 (10 being perfect), exactly where are you now?

If you are not at 10 or thereabouts then something in your overall well being is out of balance. Such an imbalance you can recognise more by way of its effects than its causes. See if you can relate to any of these:

  • Periods of restlessness, listlessness or boredom.
  • Feelings of being overwhelmed by circumstances.
  • Weight gain or loss.
  • Motivational issues affecting performance of daily chores and overall progress in life.
  • Irritability with self and loved ones.
  • Insomnia.
  • Headaches, tension in back and shoulders, digestive issues and so forth.
  • Appeal of certain foods, behaviours and activities that previously held no appeal and currently offer no significant reward for your participation in them. yet they lure you in – smoking; drinking; caffeine addiction, anger outbursts, sadness and so forth.

The list could go on, however the clues are always outward, oftentimes recognised by those close to you before you see them in yourself. Why not then do something to correct them? Most likely many of you have. For instance starting a discipline such as Tai Chi; Qigong; meditation; Yoga; exercise; nutritional awareness or one of the infinite other extremely valuable tools available to you. All of these approaches offer great benefits, albeit some more than others. In this pursuit of understanding yourself, maybe you attended a personal Development workshop. learning a little here and there and some new techniques for coping with life’s challenges. Some will even find themselves attending a spiritual retreat, delving deep into the why’s and wherefore’s of the spiritual essence of their being. great. One more question though!

If you have done this and still have things a little out of harmony, then we need to look deeper. Something is missing and that something is not answered by all that you have done so far. It is a missing key and is of vital importance to your overall health and well being. It is something that will take all of the dots, and rather than seeing them individually, or in a segmented way, actually places them on the larger screen of your life and then shows you how all the dots join up to form a much larger picture. That picture is of you, your health and well being. One dot may be just a headache or insomnia. Three dots may be an anger outburst at your spouse, stomach upset and a rear ender with whiplash. Still there is something missing from this picture. When you have the larger picture then you can see the whole of who and what you are at all levels of your being. That which is missing is the Master Key to abundant health, wealth, joy, love, light and satisfaction in your life journey. To that end it is time to stop and take stock of where you are in your life journey – physically; emotionally, mentally and spiritually. It is only when you do this that you begin to actually Self Realise that life is a journey and every thought, word and deed are creative acts that help contour and manifest the outcomes we experience at all levels of our being. Every life has ups and downs, takes us around bends, into deep dark valleys and propels us up into the heights of great light. That’s life. Your life. How often have you truly taken time out to stop and look at where you have been, why you were there, and what the consequences have been for you and those with whom you share of any particular aspect of your journey? Then to track forward and see how different life would have been if different choices had been made.

Choices influence outcomes and they in turn influence your current health and well being. So, the choice is now before you. To act or not to act. The door to vibrant self knowing is open for you to walk through. it will not open of its own accord, it relies upon you making a choice to actively walk through it. Such a choice is vitally important in the unlocking of the abundance that one seeks. Unlike New Age teachings which work with magical ideas of “visualise” and “attract”, true abundance is a deep, hidden, inner resource that can be tapped and unlocked to work with you and for you in ways that are continuous and expanding. If you have worked with the simple ideas of “Think and Grow Rich” and if they have worked for you – wonderful. However, notice how many have applied these principles and it works for them for a period of time, gets them excited only to at some point come to a grinding halt. See what happens now. These folk, and you may be one of them start to doubt and question whether or not these principles ever had any substance. This doubt then leads to other questions and before you know it you are back at the drawing board, albeit a little older and hopefully a little wiser.

I have seen this pattern play out over many, many years and quite honestly the one’s who make it rich are the teachers, bit the students. A search into the deeper meaning of the Universal principles at play here reveals exactly why this onset of challenge and doubt sets in and how to gain immeasurable benefits from allowing it to unfold and seeing it as part of the big picture. Not as just one more unconnected dot without purpose or meaning.

Yoga on the beachSo, if it is abundance you want and so far you have been thwarted in your search – open the door – go through and step onto the next phase of your life journey. It is brighter, lighter and very rewarding, but only available to those with a willingness to truly enrich their lives, evolve and make a profound difference in their life and the lives of those with whom they share. Let it be time to bring to a halt the infinite struggle of balancing the books with limited funds against ever increasing demands upon your finances, demands that simply deny you and your family the life quality you were born to live. Well, the same door is open. Step through now. Walk the walk into this rich and abundant, yet mystically hidden realm. Hidden because todays world focusses on the dots, not the whole.

Tapping simple, yet ancient practices that link all of your previous years of searching into a cohesive whole, purging all the unnecessary baggage you have accumulated – baggage that limits, restricts, restrains, impedes and imperils or fractures opportunities that you believed to be ‘finally” there because it was your turn to make it happen. These opportunities never went away, but the clouds of doubt and confusion slipped in and prevented the deeper truth from dawning within you. That deeper truth, holding the key to abundance, love, light and joy also holds the key to experiencing all of this with a deep sense of inner peace.

You see, all of these challenges in life are of no use to you if you move along your life path and learn nothing from the journey. It is time to shift paradigm and open the heart to new possibilities, engage life fully and experience the life you came here to lead. It is time to live like the Mystic Master that you really are. To that end I invite you to join me as your guide on the next phase of your journey of deep discovery. It is a journey that recognises all you have done and all the challenges you have met and confronted, whilst simultaneously guiding you to a simply better place in which to reside with your body, mind and soul. Release all the doctrines and dogmas that have tied you down from school, media, temple, church and education and reclaim the wonder of what it is to be the unique being that you truly are.

I look forward to working with you.



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