Tag: binaural beats

Health, Well-Being And The Light

Initiation And The Clouds of Illusion In The Power Before Thought I explored a little of how we can understand health and well being. I do not want to focus on that material here, other…

The Key Attraction Within The Universe Is Pure Love

Pure Love Attracts and Bonds All Within Creation The Universe is to many a physical entity. It is seen as consisting of galaxies, solar systems, planets and infinite celestial bodies. To others it is pure…

The Secret Attraction In The Heart

The Dreamer, Mind and Creation Those of you who know me are aware that I take my guidance in life from the central Source of my being, the One Source that I call “The Dreamer”.…

The Law of Attraction And Personality Types

The Law of Attraction  is no secret. It has been cut, diced and spliced into infinite philosophies and keys. One area that it has not really addressed is that our personality. It is time to look at that which…